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Dr. Sameera Hussain

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Tomato mask

Posted by Dr. Sameera Hussain Thursday, October 14, 2010 1 comments

Tomato a ingredient that use in our daily routine. No any kitchen counter is without it. Tomatoes are available whole year. Tomatoes ranked high in anti-ageing products as well as tomatoes are also rich in anti-oxidants.
Every one need to eat a tomato daily.It is best for every type of skin. Tomato contains vitamins A,B & C. These makes skin fresh and soft.Tomato juice is a good remedy for sunburns.
For oily skin: apply tomato paste on face and leave it for up to fifteen minutes. It absorb oil and helps to get rid from pimples and acne.
For dry skin: apply tomato paste with addition of a day old curd. It gives best result for your skin.

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Whiten Nails

Posted by Dr. Sameera Hussain Wednesday, October 13, 2010 3 comments

Natural nails care is very easy and it needs ten minutes. use the tip for whiten nails.

For whiten nails pour water in a bowl.Add the denture tablet in the water. Soak hands for ten minutes in the mixture. After ten minute rinse it with little hot water.

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