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Dr. Sameera Hussain

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Pregnancy Affections and Their Homoeopathic Medicines

Posted by Dr. Sameera Hussain Tuesday, May 31, 2022 0 comments

1. Face acne:

Acne is a big problem during pregnancy in some women. Many
Women come with severe conditions like pain, redness, itching and pus.
Belladonna, Sabina, Sepia
2. Backache:
Backache is also seen in many pregnant women. In some cases backache is very severe and patient does not take rest in any position.
Kali carb, Aesculus
3. Bladder affections:
Some women have excessive desire of urine (again and again) during pregnancy due to the weight of fetus.
Belladonna, Cantharis, Causticum, Nux vomica, Pusatilla
4. Constipation:
Constipation is also a big problem during pregnancy in mostly women.
Collinsonia, Platina, Sepia, Opium.
Note: Don’t use castor oil or other laxatives during pregnancy for constipation. It causes the abortion. Sepia 30,200 or Collinsonia is the best medicine for constipation.

5. Cough:
Cough is also seen in pregnant women but it seen in some women.
Belladonna, Chamomilla, Hyoscyamus,
6. Breast Pain:
Oedema on the breast is also seen in many women during pregnancy. It is due to the changing and development of milk in breast so, that women feels pain.
Belladonna, Bryonia.
7. Diarrhoea:
In some women diarrhoea is also seen during pregnancy.
Sulphur, Pulsatilla.
8. Indigestion:
In pregnant women indigestion is due to the growing of fetus when fetus increase it take place of intestines and pushes the stomach upwards it causes the indigestion. It is mostly seen in all pregnant women but in some it is very severe.
Pulsatilla, Nux vom, cabo veg, china,
9. Morning Sickness:
Nausea and vomiting: It is seen almost in all pregnant women. 1st month to 3rd month is a difficult period most of the pregnant women due to the morning sickness.
Fatigue and Vertigo: Mostly women have complaint of fatigue, vertigo, dullness, dizziness and doziness in pregnancy. It is due to the weakness.
Ipecac, Nux vom, Sepia, Symphoricarpus.
Note: Ipecac is the best medicine for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.If ipecac fails and no any temperamental symptoms seen and patient vomit day and night Symphoricarpus 200 dose is clear the symptoms.

10. False Pains:
Pregnant women sometimes feel labour pains that are called false pains.
Colophyllum, Chamomila, Cimicifuga, Pulsatilla.
11. Oedema on Feet:
Oedema (swelling) is mostly seen in all the pregnant ladies. It is due to the weight of the growing of the fetus. Oedema is mostly seen on the feet.
Lachesis mutus is the best medicine for oedema.
12. Toothache:
Some ladies have complaint for the toothache during pregnancy. It is seen in some women.
Calc flour, mag phos.
13. Desire of Salt:
Many women have desire of salt during pregnancy. If it is sometime it is not a cause but if it is every time or mostly it is a cause.
Nat mur is the best medicine for salt desire.
14. Brown Spot on Face:
Many women have brown spot on face and they unconsciously made on face on nose and cheeks. Sometimes these spots are exist after pregnancy but sometimes these are not exist.
Sepia is the best medicine for the brown spots.
15. Piles:
Some women have problem of piles during pregnancy. Sometime it is due to the constipation and sometime it is by natural.
Sepia, Hammamelis, Aesculus are the best remedies for piles.
16. Desire of Soil:
Some women have desire to eating soil, chalk etc during pregnancy.
Calc carb, Alumina, Calc phos, Calc flour.
Temperamental symptoms are very clearly seen in pregnancy. It is the doctors duty to understand the real symptoms and temperamental symptoms. The time period of temperamental symptoms are just during pregnancy. Due to this control many conditions after labour

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Blisters on feet

Posted by Dr. Sameera Hussain Sunday, December 11, 2011 3 comments

Blisters on feet due to shoes are the common problem for walkers. Blisters can be painful. Most foot blisters can be treated by using home made remedy.


Apply albumen (white part of egg) on the blisters of feet and dry it under the fan’s air. Blisters will cure soon.

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Tomato mask

Posted by Dr. Sameera Hussain Thursday, October 14, 2010 1 comments

Tomato a ingredient that use in our daily routine. No any kitchen counter is without it. Tomatoes are available whole year. Tomatoes ranked high in anti-ageing products as well as tomatoes are also rich in anti-oxidants.
Every one need to eat a tomato daily.It is best for every type of skin. Tomato contains vitamins A,B & C. These makes skin fresh and soft.Tomato juice is a good remedy for sunburns.
For oily skin: apply tomato paste on face and leave it for up to fifteen minutes. It absorb oil and helps to get rid from pimples and acne.
For dry skin: apply tomato paste with addition of a day old curd. It gives best result for your skin.

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Whiten Nails

Posted by Dr. Sameera Hussain Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2 comments

Natural nails care is very easy and it needs ten minutes. use the tip for whiten nails.

For whiten nails pour water in a bowl.Add the denture tablet in the water. Soak hands for ten minutes in the mixture. After ten minute rinse it with little hot water.

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Cracked Lips

Posted by Dr. Sameera Hussain Wednesday, September 15, 2010 1 comments

Medically it is known as cheilitis. It's caused by several things.Mostly
people known that it is fact of licking their lips during cold weather
and they use Vaseline or chap stick in winter.
Skin on the lips is most sensitive then the skin on the eyes.Excessive
licking also caused the chapped lips.Thousands of people have habit to
licking their lips regularly.This routinely licking can caused skin
irritation around the mouth.
Mostly children are the addicted of this habit.

Moisturize Lips:
Skin of the lips are most sensitive then the skin of the body. We give
a lot of time to our body and face skin but remember moisturize your
lips consistently can prevent you from the chapped lips.
Moisturize lips with a natural ointment is better then applying
Vaseline or chap stick.

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Posted by Dr. Sameera Hussain Tuesday, September 14, 2010 1 comments

Depression is an emotional stage marked by great sadness feeling of worthlessness and guilt with drawl from others loss of sleep appetite and sexual desire or loss of interest and pleasure in usual activities.
1. Sad
2. Depressed mood most of the day nearly everyday
3. Loss of interest and pleasure in usual activities
4. Difficulties in sleeping
5. Change in activity level either lethargic or agitated
6. Poor appetite or weight loss
7. Increase appetite or gone in weight
8. Loss of energy great fatigue
9. Self blame feeling of guilt
10. Slowed thinking and indecisiveness
11. Recurrent thought or death or suicide

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Posted by Dr. Sameera Hussain 1 comments

Involuntary seminal emission during sleep and other times is called spermatorrhoea.
1. Depression of spirits
2. Breathlessness and irritability
3. Weakness of memory
4. Indecision and loss of memory moral control
5. Weakness and pain in back
6. Indigestion
7. Palpitation
8. Headache
9. Damp hand and moist skin
10. Paleness of face
11. Impotency
12. Remorse
1. Irritability of bladder
2. Indigestion with constipation
3. Rectal irritation from worms
4. Excessive ridding
5. Sexual excesses
6. Disease of brain or spinal cord
7. High caloric diet
Baryta Carb, China, Phosphoric Acid, Natrum Phos, Staphysagria, Gelsemium, Nux Vomica, Picric Acid.

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